Brochure Marketing
Posted by Andrea on Mar 12, 2011 in Blog, Marketing | 0 commentsI attended an internet marketing seminar the other day and a few key points were brought up that that triggered my thinking about off line marketing a bit and I thought was worth repeating. Even in this day of technology (with no looking back!) there are still simple, important ways we can still use “the old school” methods to keep clients coming through our doors. Using brochure marketing and using simple brochures can make a difference in your bottom line.
Most brochures are nothing more than a collection of a few pictures and a few details about a business. However, brochures can and should be used as powerful tools that distinguish your company from your competition. Here are a few things to keep in mind that will turn your brochure into a powerful brochure marketing sales tool. Check out this article I wrote and see if your brochure makes the grade.