Infrared Body Wrap Seen on The Doctors

The Infrared Body Wrap seen on The Doctors today can be seen here .

I have been body wrapping and getting body wrapped for over 10 years.  In fact I have body wrapped over 5000 clients!

The body wrap seen here is a double whammy of helping the body to rid itself of toxins, but also gives the body a good dose of minerals.

I am a little disappointed how The Doctors only ended with it being a water loss and to use caution.   Of course you need to drink water….just as if you were exercising and sweating; which is beneficial to your health.  I do understand their concern and as when you are ever in a situation which causes you to sweat and can dehydrate, it is always crucial to replace the water and even drink something with electrolytes.

The water your body gets rid of during an infrared body wrap is filled with toxins and impurities within the skin.  After using infrared body wraps and even infrared saunas myself, I know the benefits and what can actually be expelled.  I really realized it when I was using infrared wraps to help my daughter after her chemo treatments to rid the body of the excess.  As you can see by the picture.

(I took it against a white door so you can be able to see the difference.  Most often the fluid that is expelled during the infrared body wrap is clear to cloudy under normal conditions.  However, my daughter has been battling T-Cell Lymphoma and had to have 8 rounds of 4 days of Chemo treatments every 21 days….when she got up and I gathered the fluid in the plastic sheet, we were amazed to see the yellow color!  It is the exact color of one of the types of chemo that she was injected with!!!)

Frequent infrared body wraps noticeably help reduce the appearance of cellulite because infrared works at a deeper level and helps to rid the body of excess toxins which give us that “orange peel” texture.  You can do your own research on infrared body wraps and you will be amazed as to how healthful using infrared body wraps can be.

PLEASE leave a comment and let’s chat as I would like to tell you ALLLLL about how this type of body wrap will actually work to help you look great and feel even better!

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